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解曰 | |
功名 (Career): |
富貴前定 必遇知音 Wealth and honor are predestined; you will encounter kindred spirits • |
生意 (Business): |
同心協力 土可變金 With united efforts, even modest beginnings can lead to great wealth • |
行人 (Visitors): |
行人在途 相遇不遠 Visitors are already on the way; encounters are not far off • |
疾病 (Health): |
醫藥有緣 指日可癒 Medicine and destiny align; recovery is imminent • |
婚姻 (Marriage): |
幸得知心 所求必遂 Fortunate to meet kindred spirits; desires will be fulfilled • |
出行 (Travel): |
有志四方 必有際遇 With determined aspirations, opportunities are abundant • |
官司 (Legal Affairs): |
貴人扶助 諸事大吉 Assister by benefactors; all matters proceed favorably • |
失物 (Lost Items): |
偶然疏忽 完璧歸來 Though lost it by accident, lost items will be recovered intact • |
丁口 (Family): |
親屬扶持 眷屬安吉 Supported by relatives; the family is secure and prosperous • |
田畜 (Farming): |
孳生長養 善價而沽 Abundant growth and breeding; sell at a favorable price |