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【詩解】 旅卦
【米力仙註】 白雲蒼狗 明哲保身
【關鍵字】 #供花求機緣 #衰運連來 #多意外 #求神解
【北海觀音明善堂白話淺釋】 大海茫芒啊,在海中扁舟漂蕩, 我今天指引你平安的道路,但是路還在你自己的心中啊,有點不聽勸告的樣子, 抽到此籤切勿固守己見,不聽人言 需保守,凡事反求諸己,不強求不躁進, 運勢不好時多充實自己,多樍陰德,等待好運轉到一展長才。 You are guided toward a path of safety, but you seem to be resistant to advice If you draw this fortune stick, do not stubbornly cling to your own opinions, do not ignore the advice of others. Be conservative, seek introspection in all matters, do not rush or force things. In times of unfavorable luck, enrich yourself, accumulate virtuous deeds, and wait for good fortune to come and unfold your talents. 【媽祖的叮嚀】 運逢天狗,請盡速解送 指示你: 衰運連來,,不要與失運或無運的人太親近, 少雞婆好心,以免運氣更差 多佛前供花祈福,可趨吉避凶扭轉運勢。
Encounters the fortune of “Tengu”, resolve and send it away as soon as possible Misfortune arrives in succession, avoid close association with those in misfortune or without luck. Keep a low profile to avoid worsening luck. Offer flowers and pray more often, which can turn the fortune for the better, avoiding misfortune and seeking auspiciousness
【求得此籤】 有【偏執固執、一意孤行 】之意, 凡事謹言慎行,可免意外災禍 It implies that you tend to be stubborn and obstinate In all matters, proceed with caution in speech and action to avoid unexpected disasters 目前機緣福報不足 .應多行善佈施,增加福報轉運 , 歡迎每週佛前供花、與佛結善緣 贊助本堂行善做公益,請加本堂私訊
中文譯文 : (國字與國情 不同,可能有不同見解)
感謝葉淑惠、黃柏霖,林艾蓁, 黃弈晴,林品亘 等師兄姊英文義務翻譯、編輯