本堂代為佛前供花、求緣、補庫、解厄 請加本堂LINE私訊官網,不解籤不解卦 1. 抽到不好的籤詩,請至開運佛堂懺悔、赦罪 2. 解籤參考,請至米力仙解籤樓潛水 。
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【籤詩】 須教出得風波險 方見舟師手段高
【大命】: 中中,佛前供花轉吉。
【詩解】 明夷卦
【米力仙註】 關鍵時刻 臨危不亂
【關鍵字】 #供花求機緣 #決斷 #冷靜應對 #關鍵 #無懼
【北海觀音明善堂白話淺釋】 泛舟遇到急水灘頭,當下就要專心一志, 你必須眼明手快, 不可猶疑把住船篙,努力穩定方向, 衝出這段驚濤駭浪當中
When you encounter a rapid stream while rowing a boat, you must
immediately concentrate fully. You need to be alert and quick with your hands.
Do not hesitate to hold the pole steady. Work hard to maintain your direction
and navigate through the turbulent waters. 指示你: 必須馬上作出決斷, 不可怯弱,猶豫遲延、要不畏懼、運用智慧、破浪前進, 最後成功才會屬於你。 Indications:
You must make decisions immediately. Do not be timid or hesitate
and delay. Be fearless, use your wisdom, and move forward through the waves.
Ultimately, success will be yours.
【求得此籤】 有【處變不驚】之意, 凡事必須勇敢立即決斷,才能避免深陷絕境 It conveys the idea of 'remaining calm in the face of change.’ One must be brave and make immediate decisions in all matters to avoid falling into desperate situations. Currently, opportunities and blessings may not be favorable. You should engage in more acts of kindness and generosity to enhance blessings and change fortunes. 目前機緣福報不好 .應多行善佈施,增加福報轉運 , 歡迎每週佛前供花、與佛結善緣 贊助本堂行善做公益 ,請加本堂私訊
中文譯文 : (國字與國情 不同,可能有不同見解)
感謝葉淑惠、黃柏霖, 林艾蓁, 黃弈晴,林品亘等師兄姊英文義務翻譯、編輯