本堂代為佛前供花、求緣、補庫、解厄 請加本堂LINE私訊官網,不解籤不解卦 1. 抽到不好的籤詩,請至開運佛堂懺悔、赦罪 2. 解籤參考,請至米力仙解籤樓潛水 。
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【詩解】 大過卦
【米力仙註】 好行小慧 咎由自取
【關鍵字】 #供花求機緣 #慎重 #誠懇 #懺悔 #認錯
【北海觀音明善堂白話淺釋】 在情勢未明朗前,
不要小聰明的自以為是或隨便幫別人出主意。 即便是聖神仙佛,也只有護祐庇蔭行善的人, 若因此而受降罪的話,你也扛不起的 因為即便是風、雨、雷、電諸神也不敢偏袒私護。
Before the situation becomes clear, do not act or offer advice
casually to others. Such behavior and words are unwise and detrimental to both
yourself and others. Even saints, gods, and Buddhas only protect and bless those
who do good deeds. If you incur blame because of this, you won't be able to bear
it, because even the gods of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning dare not show
partiality or protection. 指示和告誡你: 求神求人都要禮貌, 不可清挑、取巧算計賣弄小聰明或心存僥倖的心態 才會得到神明、貴人真正的幫助。 Indications: Whether seeking help from gods or people, one must do so with politeness. It is unwise to be overly critical, cunning, calculating, or to rely on cleverness or luck.
Only then will you receive genuine assistance from divine beings and noble
【求得此籤】 有【損人不利己】之意, 凡事莊重,有時一句玩笑和 無心之詞,會讓人身敗名裂 It means 'harming others without benefiting oneself.’ In all matters, one should be solemn. Sometimes, a joking remark or careless word can ruin one's reputation and harm relationships. Currently, opportunities and blessings may not be favorable. You should engage in more acts of kindness and generosity to enhance blessings and change fortunes. 目前機緣福報不好 .應多行善佈施,增加福報轉運 , 歡迎每週佛前供花、與佛結善緣 贊助本堂行善做公益,請加本堂私訊
中文譯文 : (國字與國情 不同,可能有不同見解)
感謝葉淑惠、黃柏霖,林艾蓁, 黃弈晴,林品亘 等師兄姊英文義務翻譯、編輯