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【詩解】 夬卦
【米力仙註】 浪裡行舟 危機重重
【關鍵字】 #供花求機緣 #危機 #冷靜 #隨遇而安 #關鍵時刻
【北海觀音明善堂白話淺釋】 海中突現大蛟龍,掀起狂濤駭浪,風雲變色, 善良有德的人,看到這樣的景象, 會認為是一種吉兆,而有恃無恐, 若小人之流,遭遇此事會心驚膽破, (暗喻君子與小人。善與惡的分野)。 In the middle of the sea suddenly appears a great sea dragon, stirring up wild waves and causing a change in the weather. A person who is virtuous and kind would see such a sight as an auspicious sign and face it confidently without fear. However, those of a malicious nature would be terrified and shaken to the core upon encountering such an event.
(This metaphorically distinguishes between noble
individuals and those of base character, marking the division between good and
evil.) 指示你: 目前充滿太多的變數,正面臨關鍵時刻, 善惡一念決定生死、是非、對錯,
告誡你: 務必審慎應對,不可逃避 Indications: Currently, there are too many variables at play, and we are facing a critical moment. A single thought of good or evil can determine life or death, right or wrong. Exhortations:
Handle this situation with utmost caution; do not evade it.
【求得此籤】 有【莊敬自強,處變不驚 】之意, 凡事沉穩不驚慌失措,可以化解變數 機會是給準備好的人,遇險不驚就能逢凶化吉 It means "Maintain dignity and strength, remain calm in the face of changes.“ Staying steady and composed in all situations can effectively resolve unpredictables. Opportunities favor the prepared; staying calm in adversity can turn bad luck into good fortune. Currently, opportunities and blessings may not be favorable. You should engage in more acts of kindness and generosity to enhance blessings and change fortunes. 目前機緣福報不足 .應多行善佈施,增加福報轉運 , 歡迎每週佛前供花、與佛結善緣 贊助本堂行善做公益,請加本堂私訊
中文譯文 : (國字與國情 不同,可能有不同見解)
感謝葉淑惠、黃柏霖,林艾蓁, 黃弈晴,林品亘 等師兄姊英文義務翻譯、編輯