本堂代為佛前供花、求緣、補庫、解厄 請加本堂LINE私訊官網,不解籤不解卦 1. 抽到不好的籤詩,請至開運佛堂懺悔、赦罪 2. 解籤參考,請至米力仙解籤樓潛水 。
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【籤詩】 憑將三寸蘇張舌 唾手功成獨讓君
【詩解】 既濟卦
【米力仙註】 舌粲蓮花 功成名就
【關鍵字】 #供花求機緣 #說服 #穿梭 #連結 #仲介
【北海觀音明善堂白話淺釋】 此籤要靠 你的口才去完成會更圓滿此去萬里遙遠的路途,在橋頭送行, 為了達成目標和使命 必須效法蘇秦與張儀,口若懸河及三寸不爛之舌的本事, 善用這些本事,成功就是你的。
This poem suggests you rely on your eloquence to achieve
fulfillment. Embark on the long journey ahead, bidding farewell at the bridge.
In order to accomplish your goals and fulfill your mission, you must emulate the
skills of Su Qin and Zhang Yi—mastering the art of persuasive speech and
eloquence. By effectively utilizing these talents, success will be yours. 指示你: 有些事不能燜著幹,用說的會比做的簡單迅速達成目的
告誡你: 不可說謊、狂言、妄語,以免得不償失 Indications: Some things cannot be done quietly; handling them verbally will achieve the goal more quickly and easily. Exhortations: Do not lie, exaggerate, or speak nonsense, lest you incur irreparable losses.
【求得此籤】 有【近者說服】之意, 只說不做,不如去做,最好是一面說,一面做 There's an implication of "convincing those nearby." It's better to act while speaking rather than just speaking without action. Currently, opportunities and blessings may not be favorable. You should engage in more acts of kindness and generosity to enhance blessings and change fortunes 目前機緣福報不足 .應多行善佈施,增加福報轉運 , 歡迎每週佛前供花、與佛結善緣 贊助本堂行善做公益 ,請加本堂私訊
中文譯文 : (國字與國情 不同,可能有不同見解)
感謝葉淑惠、黃柏霖, 林艾蓁, 黃弈晴,林品亘等師兄姊英文義務翻譯、編輯